Here is a list of all the articles I have written so far in June, 2009.
Hole-in-ones Help Music
Myrtle Beach Left in the Wake of Biker Rallies
Market Common Goes Global at Home
No-Melt Ice Cream Debuts in Myrtle Beach
Sun Fun Lacks Sun - It was posted on Saturday 6-6-09 and I already have almost 500 hits and I made Google News. ...It is not there anymore.
Ripley's Accepting New Shark
No Help for South Carolina Waters
Strand Media Group Obtains Festival
Great Deals at Grocery Stores
Free Magic for Hospitality Employees
The Gator Makes a Family
Thursday, June 4, 2009
May Articles
A list of links to all the articles I wrote in May, 2009.
North Strand Noting Fewer Bikers
TNA Wrestlers Answer Questions
Karaoke Contest Invites Talent
Lee's Leads with New Items
300 Free Lunches at Hurricane Expo
North Strand Noting Fewer Bikers
TNA Wrestlers Answer Questions
Karaoke Contest Invites Talent
Lee's Leads with New Items
300 Free Lunches at Hurricane Expo
Friday, May 15, 2009
My first week working with Becky Billingsley has been nothing short of extraordinary. What we do is we go out and find daily restaurant news and some local news. It can be anything from a new sale, different menu, a restaurant opening, renovations, or just a stop by to see what is going on.
So far this week we have eaten at 5 places (my favorite part of the internship). I have written 2 news stories and have gotten my first 2 bylines. :D I even got to interview 3 celebrities!
I am really enjoying this internship and my boss is really nice. I have learned so much already and I know I will learn even more as the summer progresses.
Here are the links to my two stories:
TNA Wrestlers
So far this week we have eaten at 5 places (my favorite part of the internship). I have written 2 news stories and have gotten my first 2 bylines. :D I even got to interview 3 celebrities!
I am really enjoying this internship and my boss is really nice. I have learned so much already and I know I will learn even more as the summer progresses.
Here are the links to my two stories:
TNA Wrestlers
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Following the advice of Mr. Larry Timbs yet again, I find myself with an internship position for the summer.
If you could write a book full of advice, Mr. Timbs, I would be set for life. Everything you have said and pushed me to do has turned out for the better. Heck, I am even considering switching to journalism.
Thank you Timbs. I mean it.
BTW, my internship is under Becky Billingsley, CEO for The Food Syndicate.
Thursday, April 16, 2009
long time, no see
It has been a really long time since I last posted, I am sad to say. I have been bogged down with work and test with the semester coming to an end.
I am sad to leave my mcom 241 for it is always fun to come to. I can not help but to learn something new every class.
However, since losing all my music when my computer crashed, I have been youtubing as much of what I remember I had.
While working on my french songs I found some of the ones that I have forgotten about. One of my favorites that makes me want to dance is Au Bal Masque by La Compagnie Creole.
Turn up the volume and listen. It is a wonderful song.
Also is the lady from Britain's got talent. Just listen. Her song is I Dream a Dream from Les Miserables.
Thursday, March 26, 2009
Wednesday, March 11, 2009
Essays, ESSays, ESSAYS!!!!! Why do they always surround us?
I have come to the belief that essays are like stairs. They are a conspiracy against not only me, but the entire world. They should be banned from schools.
That is my rant on essays.
In other news, there was a guy shot on ebenezer ave. today at around 2:20 pm. My friend and I were in our room when we saw the helicopters hovering around the area. they were there from about 3:00-4:00pm. It was interesting.
I get published today...Woot woot. Once it is actually available, I will link it up. Toodles!
P.S. wish me luck on my MCOM midterm. ^^
Friday, March 6, 2009

Last weekend, I went to the Riverbanks Zoo with a large group of friends. It was a blast. However, it did get me to thinking about captivity.
I believe that zoo's are good. So long as they provide ample room and a good environment for the animals and take extremely good care of them.
I do not, however, like the idea of animals being taken from the wild. I think that zoo's should rescue animals from circuses that no longer need them, other zoo's that can no longer take care of them and places where they have been abused.
Only under dire circumstances should a wild animal be placed under captivity. It is just cruel.
Don't get me wrong, I do believe in conservation but not unnecessary captivity.
Well, I am going to get off my soapbox for a while. Have a good day!
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Spring Break
Spring Break is coming up in a week and I am so excited. I will be able to go home and see my parents and brother.
My good friend Sammy will hopefully come and visit and we will go to El Cerro and go see "Race to Witch Mountain". We both love Dwayne Johnson and it looks hilarious. Plus it will be Friday the 13th. Which is one of my favorite days.
I have not seen Sammy since last year and I miss her a lot. She lives in Leland, NC (about 20 minutes from Wilmington) and can't visit much since she has to take care of her horses.
Hopefully, I will be able to visit her soon as well.
New Month, Bad Beginings
So, this week has been one heck of a bad one. One of my distant uncles died (last week), a close friend of my brothers died Saturday, my dad lost his job yesterday and I found out that my cousin tried to commit suicide.
While all of this has made my week go down hill, there is something to be learned.
1) Never give up. No matter how much life throws at you and how horrible it can be. It can either get worse or get better. Don't worry or stress about it too much. A wise quote says "life is what happens when you are busy making plans."
2) Be happy. I am a very happy and optimistic person and even with everything that has happened, I can not stay upset for very long.
3) Find a way to cope. My method is music. Whenever something happens, good or bad, music is always with me. It helps me with everything. When I am angry, I listen to angry songs. Sad, then sad songs are playing. The help me with my emotions and soothe me.
4) Talk about it. I know that everyone always says this and I hate it. They are right though. I do not like talking about my problems but I will write about them. I have gotten better about letting people know what is going on in my life. It is difficult but the rewards are amazing. It lets you know who your friends are and how much they care.
5) Love. The best and most painful thing to do is to love. It can be the love you have for friends, family or your significant other. Let them know. Never be afraid to let people know that you care about them. It can make all the difference in the world. Yeah, it hurts when you get rejected, but when it is reciprocated, it is the most wonderful feeling in the world.
Pain is inevitable. I have had to deal with so much since I was a kid. I know that it could be worse and I have been blessed in my life with a lot of stuff. But I want to tell about my life so that others can understand where I am coming from.
Before the age of 18, I have had numerous pets die on me, both parents in and out of the hospital, my grandmother die right before my birthday when I was 4, a brother that was abusive and a mother who was not the best either, my uncle commit suicide, my grandfather and an uncle die of cancer, another uncle died from old age, my mom suffer 3 heart attacks and more health problems than I can list, two of my friends almost die in a car accident, a friend from work died, a couple people I knew in high school died in an accident and more family members and friends of family members lost.
Then, within the last year and a half, my parents went through a really nasty divorce. Two more family members gone, our old next door neighbor who was like a grandmother to me died, my dad found out he has a heart condition, said condition causing him to collapse and he might have had a stroke, doctors are not sure what to do and how to help him, and now with what has happened in the last week, one could say that it has been overwhelming.
I won't go into details but it was a rough life. However, so many wonderful things have occurred and have made me into the person that I am today. I am so thankful for everyone and everything in my life. It has been a blessing.
I decided to write this in order to help others. If any one needs to talk or to vent, I will be here. Leave me a comment and I will be glad to help.
Please remember, suicide is not the only option left at the end of a bumpy road. If you need help, tell someone. I guarantee you that you are not the only one left or the only one who cares. Thanks.
Friday, February 27, 2009
Yay!!! I managed to get published for the second time! I am so excited and happy about it. It is a grand feeling seeing your work in pring. I hope that as many people as possible get to experience that feeling. As of now, I am working on my 3rd and 4th articles( just submitted the third and the fourth should be done by tomorrow). I am so happy!!
Here is the link to the second article. It is about Psi Chi winning the Southeastern Pychological Regional Award.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
If you have never taken the time to try and get a penpal, you do not know what you are missing.
There is just something so spectatucalar about finding new friends from all over the world. Whether by internet sites, e-mail, or snail mail; the thrill of finding that letter, that piece of someone else waiting for you is like nothing else.
I have tried many sites and methods and it is hard to find not only a good site, but someone who will keep up and write back. But they are out there just as frustrated as you and waiting for someone to take the time to care.
I have been fortunate enough to find me a life long friend from Korea. She is an amazing person and our friendship keeps growing stronger everyday.
So get out there and culturize yourself America. It is an experience that you will never forget.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Decisions made
So as I am attempting to write the 7 pg political science paper that is due on Tuesday, I have decided to blog about some of the decisions that I have made as of recent that have been on my mind.
First of is the final firm decision to go study abroad in Ireland for the spring 2010 semester. I am still working on whether I will stay and work here in Rock Hill or go back home for the summer and work there.
The second decision is that I will be double-majoring in economics pending my liking of macroeconomics. I was thinking about it for a while and realized that if I could use the economic concept of opportunity cost when thinking, then I would do fine in the major.
The third is that I will work ahead as much as possible so as to not let things pile up. I will be so busy this semester and probably moreso the further that I get into my major.
There are some other decisions that I will not get into because they are too personal but mmkay.
In a random side note- I really hope that I make it into the mass communication major. I turned in my application on Tuesday and I am anxious to find out the results. I also want to find out if my friends and I made it into the Courtyard.
Ohh...I also got published into The Johnsonian, our school newspaper. It is a wonderful feeling to see your work in print. I love it. I will try to link it up to "The Johnsonian".
Now that I have gotten that off my chest, I will hopefully be able to get the rest of this essay done. Woot Woot!
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Piggybanks and Dreams

I got my roommate a piggy bank for her birthday and ever since then I have been thinking of what they mean. Have you ever noticed that when you put money in a piggy bank (especially a cute one) that it tends to accumulate and stay there?
What dreams could we fulfill if we were to simply save our money in them? I could take that trip across country that I have always dreamed of. My roommate could go visit her brother while he is stationed in Germany. One could use it as a down payment on a car or just in case a rainy day comes along.
Either way, it was a good investment and as I continue to ponder perhaps more inspiration will as well. Ciao!
Tuesday, January 20, 2009
Snow and Obama

Well, as everyone is sure to know and have read many times over, today was Obama's inaugeration. It also snowed where I go to college and classes were cancelled today. Overall, I would have to say that it was an excellent day.
Now, I know that a lot of people don't like Obama; just like a lot of people do not like snow. But try thinking of it in this way. Both Obama and snow are a "change". Barack is someone who is going to try to usher in some changes for our country and it is a "change" from our old president. Snow is technically the chemical change that rain undergoes when it is cold. Both change the environment around us as well as our lives.
They are also both necessary. Snow allows for old plants to die and new ones form. It also allows students in some areas much needed holidays from school. Our country is in turmoil right now; in one way or another. We need someone fresh and new with some different ideas to help turn us around.
I know that nearly all politicians lie and everyone makes mistakes, but I honestly do believe that Barrack Obama will do most of what he pledged to do because he believes in it. Honestly, he has practically no choice but to do. Should he fail, I know that he will become more hated than Bush and that is very hard to do now a days.
So hats of to you Obama. On becoming the new President of the United States and hopefully not letting us down. Hopefuly you won't melt as quickly as the snow does here.
Monday, January 19, 2009
Spring Semester at College
I have officially completed the first week of spring semester. Dang. This is definately going to be a hard semester. I am taking 18 credit hours which is the most that most people can take. My roster includes:
Political Science-State and Local Government
Critical Reading, Thinking, Writing-Intensive Writing class
Media Writing-Another Intensive writing class
Spanish 201- Intermediate level
I am glad that this week is over. It is definately going to be the hardest semester that I have yet taken but my teachers so far are really good. I definately lucked out with them. Thank heavens for If not for it and advice from friends, I would have chosen some hard and bad professors.
Unfortunately there is a large amount of homework that must be done. The pain and aggravation is worth it if it means that I can get a good job that I will love. I will do the best that I can and work hard this semester to get into my major. Wish me luck.
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