Well, as everyone is sure to know and have read many times over, today was Obama's inaugeration. It also snowed where I go to college and classes were cancelled today. Overall, I would have to say that it was an excellent day.
Now, I know that a lot of people don't like Obama; just like a lot of people do not like snow. But try thinking of it in this way. Both Obama and snow are a "change". Barack is someone who is going to try to usher in some changes for our country and it is a "change" from our old president. Snow is technically the chemical change that rain undergoes when it is cold. Both change the environment around us as well as our lives.
They are also both necessary. Snow allows for old plants to die and new ones form. It also allows students in some areas much needed holidays from school. Our country is in turmoil right now; in one way or another. We need someone fresh and new with some different ideas to help turn us around.
I know that nearly all politicians lie and everyone makes mistakes, but I honestly do believe that Barrack Obama will do most of what he pledged to do because he believes in it. Honestly, he has practically no choice but to do. Should he fail, I know that he will become more hated than Bush and that is very hard to do now a days.
So hats of to you Obama. On becoming the new President of the United States and hopefully not letting us down. Hopefuly you won't melt as quickly as the snow does here.